Monday, May 1, 2017

Mentor of the Month

Monira Gamal-Eldin. Monira is a Temple University graduate with a Bachelor's in Risk Management and Insurance & a minor in International Business. She began her post-degree career as a Claims Specialist at Zurich. She is now a Senior Risk Analyst in the Risk Management Department at C.R. Bard, Inc., a medical device manufacturing company. 

We asked her, "What was one of piece of advice she wished she knew while in college?" This is what she had to say:

"I joined LAMP as the Business Sphere lead, but transitioned to the Treasury & Legal role just last year. My experience with LAMP has been very rewarding. I think everyone can agree that we have so many amazing resources within our community that we don't always utilize to the best of our ability. Career and industry insight is one of those resources which LAMP aims to make available to college students and job seekers through facilitating the Mentor-Mentee relationship. The opportunity in front of us to help improve the professional development of our Mentees is what drives me to give my all to LAMP. 

One piece of advice that I wish I knew in college is that professionals want to network with you and share their advice - you just have to ask. I remember being nervous about taking up their busy time or being an annoyance to them, but now I know that most people are willing to set aside the time to help you and don't see it as a burden at all. Rather, they want the opportunity to pass on what they've learned to those who are inquisitive enough to ask."

-Monira Gamal-Eldin

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